An Introduction

There is an ancient Welsh saying:

‘Tri pheth a dylai dyn ystyried: Ble mae, O ble mae’n dod, a ble mae’n myned’

‘There are three things which a person should consider: where he is, where he is coming from, and where he is going’

These pages are about movement and change, of a passing from one place to another, of the encounters that occur, the discoveries made and the delights that result.

Pathways: I.D. is a Community Interest Company in the UK that encourages the use of journeys as a means of social and personal discovery – Journeys as a means of learning.

Pwys logo+ CIC

For over 40 years the main activity has been the creation of measured, purposeful ‘interloping’ journeys, taken on foot. The journeys follow carefully researched discrete routes to specific destinations.

In the process it is hoped that participants learn more of themselves and of the people, the places & the wider environments that they encounter and that, for those who wish, they develop as a form of pilgrimage.

Since 1990 the journeys have involved creating partnerships across Europe in which participants share a project theme and travel to each other’s location, to share and to learn of the details, the similarities & differences that exist across the continent. Most of these partnerships have been funded by the EU Life Long learning Programme (‘LLP’) & ‘Erasmus Plus’.

Some of the recent pilgrimage journeys are recorded on this site. The partnership programmes usually have their own web sites.